Yeah, we’re talking about the lower thirds here… Me personally, I believe images and photo composition can be…
A Juneau, Alaska native, Mrs. Applebaum has come a long way since her high school graduation all the way up to getting a Brown University Master’s degree in Economics. Talented with the digits, she’s no less successful when it comes to managing the human resources of the company. Ask anyone at our office who is their personal favorite manager...
Audio Post
Color theory is an extensive thingy that is sometimes rules-defined, sometimes creativity-wise intuitive. People spend days in accredited…
Quote Post
Combining most of these elements together will provide you witn lots of creative options, and can possibly open…
Link Post
Today, in times of Instagram, Pinterest and rampant photo sharing, you need to be taking pictures for your…
Gallery Post
Self portrait photos are a special kind of tough for any self-respecting photographer. Does the very notion of…