Alex Buoyega


Od 1.3 se nadále nacházím na adrese Evropská 1884/47, Praha 6 v salonu Sanett. 
Hairgarden již nadále nepokračuje.

Pro objednávky použijte odkaz Sanett - Rezervace, obsahuje rezervační systém kde si mě vyberete.
Popřípadě volejte mě na tel. 773571704.

Budu se na Vás opět těšit Václav

Alex Buoyega


Mr. Buoyega was born in one of Detroit’s poorest blocks, all before pursuing his successful managerial career in the future. For him, the breakthrough happened when he was able to get on Harvard University’s Law School list. After graduating from there, he was working for a few years for a number of multi-million dollar corporations…

Postal address:

6700 Madison str., Alexandria, VA, United States

Phone / Fax:


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